CRM Consulting | MP Sales Consulting GmbH

(by Lucia Schmidt)

The "fast fashion" danger of manufacturer dependency

Vendor dependency is a common mistake that companies make in their Search for a CRM solution make. Because according to Lucia Schmidt's quote, "Fast fashion has its price. Someone, somewhere, has to pay for it." many companies opt for a particular solution because it is offered by a particular manufacturer. They often go this route instead of first assessing the current situation, identifying the company's goals, needs and processes, and then finding the solution that best meets these requirements.

This mistake can be costly, as the company may buy a solution that is not fully mature or that is not compatible with the company's other solutions. In some cases, vendor dependency can lead to the company buying a solution that is not at all suitable for its purposes.

In most cases, however, it is the case that companies spend significantly more money on the future solution than is absolutely necessary. Over the multitude of projects we have accompanied, a average savings potential of up to 50% in hindsight. For the most part, these excessive costs are precisely due to this manufacturer dependency and are found both at the manufacturers' and their Implementationspartners.

How to avoid manufacturer dependency?

At the Search for a CRM solution many companies face the challenge of not being intimidated by manufacturers and making the right choice. This is because attempts are often made to steer companies in the direction of a particular solution, rather than allowing them to find the solution that works best for them. But how can you reduce vendor dependency in the CRM selection avoid?

First and foremost, it is imperative to conduct a detailed analysis of the company's current situation and to perform a manufacturer- and system-independent CRM strategy to be developed. The next step is to conduct a requirements survey, which should again be vendor-independent. In this requirements survey, the relevant user groups are identified and a functional description is created. In the functional description, the individual CRM processes described in detail and the expected results are defined.

After this preliminary work at the CRM selection are done, the next step is to evaluate the possible systems. Once a number of systems have been identified - we recommend at least 2-3 systems - these systems should be presented by the respective manufacturer. Some manufacturers also offer a free proof of concept, which certainly has its charm.

After the shortlist of potential systems has been made, a separate step is to evaluate the potential implementation partners. Here, we clearly recommend conducting a service tender. On the basis of the knowledge gained from the ACTUAL analysis, CRM-strategy development, requirements management and vendor presentations, an implementation framework can be defined very precisely for potential partners. This is also highly recommended if you, as the responsible decision-maker, want to stay in control. In addition to the license costs for the new solution, the greatest cost leverage is to be sought and found in the implementation partners.

If you do not want to take on this procedure and the associated activities yourself due to a lack of personnel capacity or experience, then you should urgently call in a vendor-independent professional (CRM consultant).

The advantages of independent CRM consulting

The advantages of an independent CRM Consulting are numerous, but for many companies this is not always obvious. Many companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), tend to focus on their core competencies and outsource everything else to external service providers. However, this is not always the best solution, especially when it comes to implementing and operating complex software such as a CRM solution.

An experienced CRM consultant can help find the right CRM solution for your business and get the most out of your CRM investment. In addition, the CRM consultant can also help you develop and implement your CRM strategy and ensure that your CRM solution meets your expectations.

Managing directors thus obtain an objective view of their CRM system and concrete recommendations for action tailored to their specific needs.

Independent CRM consulting helps you reduce the cost of implementing and operating a CRM system. By working with an experienced CRM consultant, companies can ensure that their CRM system is being used to its fullest potential and that they are getting the best results.


The search for a powerful CRM system is a demanding task that costs not only time, but also resources and effort. This becomes especially clear when you consider that there are countless different systems on the market, all with different functions and features.

However, it is important to find a system that meets the needs of the company. To this end, it is advisable to have an independent CRM Consulting which supports the company in finding the right system and helps to avoid unnecessary hassle and costs.

If you are facing the same challenge, take now Contact with us. Make an appointment right away for a free initial consultation.

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If you are facing the challenge of finding and evaluating a CRM implementation partner, contact us now!

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