CRM Consulting | MP Sales Consulting GmbH

The CRM selection is determined by several factors. These include, in addition to the CRM Vision also the goals, strategy, and functional and non-functional criteria.

Define at the beginning which goals you are pursuing with the introduction of a suitable system. Because a CRM system should not be an end in itself, but should optimally support your company's business processes. The next step is a requirements workshop with all relevant stakeholders. Stakeholdern order to define the criteria for the future CRM-system and categorize it according to "must-have" and "nice-to-have".

We at MP Sales Consulting have developed a catalog of criteria based on "best practices" with over 400 points, which provides a good orientation and selection aid.
Based on the defined criteria, a Specifications are formulated and potential CRM vendors are researched. With the help of the individual criteria, the extensive field of providers is compressed for the first time in the form of a so-called "long list" and only those providers are considered who can be classified as potential candidates according to initial findings. Here, we recommend narrowing down the above-mentioned "long list" to a maximum of 5-7 providers, who you then invite to tender.

In addition to the specifications you define, we generally recommend that you include "use cases" (scripts) tailored to your company and your requirements, on the basis of which the providers should align their solution presentation.
From the point of presentation, you will be able to condense the vendor field to a "short-list" of max. 2-3 vendors, who will then invite you to a technical "proof-of-concept". With the technical "proof-of-concept" you will be able to test all your functional and non-functional requirements in detail and determine if the vendors meet all requirements.

In the last step, you will be able to go into the consideration of the economic criteria and create a valid as well as objective decision template.

MP Sales Consulting accompanies you through the entire process of CRM selection and you benefit from "best practices" experience of more than 20 years Sales Management as well as numerous selection projects.

Benefit from our CRM Consultingto evaluate the CRM solution that is right for your business.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to enlist assistance in your selection process.

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If you are facing the challenge of finding and evaluating a CRM implementation partner, contact us now!

More contributions

"The best strategies for choosing the ideal CRM system" -

Without the right business software, companies today are barely competitive, if at all. The CRM system offers a modern solution. It enables companies to get to know their customers better and respond to their needs more effectively.

"CRM: Spoilt for choice" -

Software for customer relationship management must be selected precisely and adapted to the individual company in a practical test, says IT consultant Marcel Petzold from MP Sales Consulting.

"How a CRM strategy brings sales forward" -

Dynamic competition changes market conditions on a daily basis. If you want to assert yourself against the competition, you need to align your sales with a targeted CRM strategy.

"CRM 2024 - the key to business success" -

Maintaining customer relationships ensures long-term loyalty to a company and customer satisfaction. In view of increased competition and the general economic situation, it is advisable for every company to take a close look at CRM.

"CRM and GDPR - a drag on the customer relationship?" -

Customer relationship management (CRM) enables companies to collect information and maintain customer relationships. Many fear that the GDPR will put obstacles in their way. But CRM and data protection can go hand in hand.

"Smart CRM will make the 2024 financial year a success!" -

Long-term sales do not depend on short-term campaigns. If you want to gain regular customers who will work with the company for years, you need to establish a solid customer relationship.

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