CRM Consulting | MP Sales Consulting GmbH


Customer relationship management, or CRM for short, refers to a company's consistent focus on its customers and the systematic design of customer relationship processes. The associated documentation and management of customer relationships is an important component and enables in-depth relationship marketing.

CRM selection

CRM selection deals with the selection of a suitable software solution for customer relationship management. It is based on the functional and non-functional criteria described in the specifications.

CRM Consulting

CRM consulting: A comprehensive explanation CRM consulting deals with the strategic planning, implementation and optimization of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in companies. CRM is a holistic approach that aims to strengthen customer loyalty, improve customer satisfaction and optimize business processes by capturing all relevant customer information in a central database and using it efficiently. To [...]

CRM Lifecycle

German: CRM Lebenszyklus (CRM lifecycle) Describes the lifecycle of a CRM system from planning to implementation to continuous adaptation.

CRM processes

The CRM processes support or control the company's focus on the customer. The goals and measures from the CRM strategy form the basis for operational CRM. Thus, the operational CRM processes are sub-processes broken down to fulfill the strategic process.

CRM strategy

Explanation The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategy refers to a holistic approach that companies take to optimize their customer relationships and thereby achieve sustainable business success. The aim of the customer relationship strategy is to better understand customers, to provide them with individual support, and to establish and maintain long-term customer relationships. Through a targeted focus on the needs and requirements of customers [...]

CRM system

What is a CRM system? A CRM system is a software solution for recording and maintaining customer relationships. It provides a central collection point where companies can store information about customers and prospects, track customer interactions, and share important data with colleagues. Optimally, the CRM system provides companies with a 360-degree view of their customers. It is [...]

CRM Vision

The CRM vision describes the target picture, i.e. our expectation of a future state in which everything works as we have imagined. In order to describe the benefits of CRM from the company's point of view, it is advisable to define them in clear terms and to describe the added value that the company can expect through successful implementation. Although [...]


In marketing, cross-selling refers to the exploitation of a customer relationship through the additional sale of complementary products or services.